Complete Communications (comcom.ie) are based in Dublin, but we serve the whole of Ireland. Comcom.ie was created in recognition of rapidly increasing need for organised communication from civil engineering, public consultation, power and energy industry to the residents and businesses within a specific target area. Apart from these our services are designed to cater the needs of government organisations, county councils, politicians and these are just a few to mention. To date, we have worked with several companies and government bodies such as Eirgrid, Aecom, ROD, Barry and Partners, RWE Renewables, National Transport Authority (NTA) and different City and County Councils across Ireland.

With over 25 years of experience in postage and direct marketing, we as a company have strived to evolve the way we communicate with homes and businesses across Ireland. Comcom.ie has invested in resources and latest technologies such as ArcGIS Pro, Esri and Eircode which gives us the power and knowledge to precisely map and locate the target audience within a specified study area. We have access to demographics and type (residential or commercial) of over 2 million Eircodes across Ireland that enables us to help companies communicate their messages to the correct homes and businesses within the study area. We have a unique ethos and business model, which we believe gives us both a technical and commercial advantage over many of our rivals, as well as helping to improve our Clients’ satisfaction.


At Complete Communications (comcom.ie) we adopt a partnership approach where we work with you, understand your requirements, plan and come up with a customised solution best suited for your project. At Comcom.ie our core values are competency, professionalism, transparency, honesty and integrity. Comcom.ie has an innovative business model, which is very different to many of our competitors. At Comcom.ie our resources are broadly grouped into the following. All of our teams work together to give the most seamless experience and effective solutions to our clients.
GPS Tracked Distribution Team – Headed by regional distribution managers, each of our distributors are well informed and equipped with GPS device allowing us and our clients to see progress in realtime.
Supervision Team – All distributions monitored by on-site team lead to ensure the highest quality distribution is carried out.
Analytics Team – Based in our head office in Dublin, the analytics team breaks down the data gathered from GPS tracking and gives input for improvements.
Quality Control Team – Conducts regular phone audits along side knock on door audits daily to ensure your target audience receives your mail out.
Reporting Team – Breaks down the GPS data and creates a comprehensive report with with a live distribution link, showing all of your selected areas along with the GPS images of areas covered.
We want our clients to feel free to pick up the phone and call us for advice on any requirements, regardless of whether we have a live contract with them or not. In many cases we have been able to answer a clients question without even undertaking a study, and are happy to provide quick informal advice for free.